Lab print jobs are processed by the PantherPrint System, also known as Pharos Uniprint. For your convenience, you can now release print jobs using your CampusID and Password along with your PantherCard at any lab.
In addition to printing from a lab computer, students, faculty and staff can send print jobs from on or off campus using a registered campus email address. Print jobs can be sent up to 90 minutes in advance, and then released from a PantherPrint station as normal.
Printing Costs
Prints are typically $0.05-$0.08 per black and white page and $0.25-$0.50 per color page. Costs may vary due to printer type, page size, paper type and other specifications. Please check with the lab attendant for actual pricing.
Duplex (two-sided) printing is available in some labs. You must have your Panther Card or guest print card, with adequate funds to purchase your prints. To add funds to your Panther Card, please visit the PantherCash website. For questions or issues concerning printing funds, contact Auxiliary Services at 404-413-9500.
It is important to verify the accuracy and indicated cost of your print job before releasing to the printer. In case you send the wrong print job or change your mind about printing it, you are not obligated to print it. Simply do not print the job from the print release station and it will automatically be removed from the system later. If your print job jams or the print quality is poor, you may ask for a reprint. However, we are unable to provide credits or refunds. Simply ask a lab attendant for help if you need any assistance with print quality or use of the PantherPrint system.