Connect with University Communities
Easily subscribe to a variety of student and faculty groups, or create your own.
How do I subscribe to a list?
Note: You can only subscribe or unsubscribe to groups that are not query based or closed. You will be notified if the group is closed when you try to subscribe or unsubscribe.
- Go to and log in.
- Locate and select the list you would like to subscribe to using the alphabetical listings or the search bar.
- When you are on that list's List page, click the three stacked lines icon in the upper right corner.
- Click Subscribe or Unsubscribe from the list that appears. Options on the right side.
- Ensure the List Name is the correct list and enter your Name as you would like it to appear on the listserv.
- Select your Subscription Type.
- Click Subscribe.
- You will receive an email from Listserv with a title that begins with “Confirm your subscription.” Open the email and click the link that appears in the email.
- You will be taken to a Listserv screen confirming your subscription request has either been sent to the list owner for approval or you have been added to the list.
- You will also receive an email confirming your subscription.
How do I send a message?
Method 1: Send via web interface
- Go to and log in.
- Click the name of the list you would like to post to (if you do not see the list, type the list name in the access unlisted lists box and select search).
- The page will reload and the list details will appear.
- Click the three stacked lines icon to the far right of the listserv.
- Click post message
Method 2: Send via email
- Create a new message and type the listserv email address (ex. [email protected]) in the To Field.
- Type in the subject of the message.
- Type the body of the message.
- Click Send when done.
How do I leave a list?
- Go to and log in.
- On the top menu, click Subscriptions under Subscriber Options on the left.
- The lists you are a member of will appear. Locate and click the name of the list you would like to unsubscribe from.
- When you are on that list's List page, click the three stacked lines icon in the upper right corner.
- Click Subscribe or Unsubscribe from the list that appears. Options on the right side.
- Click Unsubscribe at the bottom.
- You will be taken back to the Subscription Management screen. It will state you have been removed from the list at the top of the screen.
How do I log in?
NOTE: If this is the first time you are logging in, or if you have forgotten your password, you will need to click on "Get password" before logging in.
- Go to
- Login using the email address you are subscribed under and your password.
How do I get a password?
NOTE: If you already had a LISTSERV password but cannot remember what it was, this procedure will automatically replace your existing password with the new one you will be entering
If this is the first time you are logging in, or if you have forgotten your password:
- Go to
- Click Register Password.
- Enter your email address and your desired password
- Click Register Password.
- You will receive an email from Listserv with the title “Command confirmation request.” Open the email and click the link to register the password.
- You will be taken to a Listserv screen confirming your new password was registered.
Additional Resources: Videos from L-Soft Listserv
How do I create a list?
Complete a ListServ Request Form.
How do I view the lists I own?
NOTE: If this is the first time you are logging in, or if you have forgotten your password, you will need to click on "Get password" (This information is on the subscribers faq)
- Go to
- On the left side of the screen, click List Reports.
- All of the lists you own will appear.
How do I subscribe users to a list?
Subscribe a Single User
- On the left side of the screen, click List Reports.
- All of your lists will appear. Locate the list you would like to modify and click the number that appears under the Subscribers column.
- At the top of the screen is the Add Subscriber section.
- Click inside the box that appears underneath and type the email address of the new subscriber.
- Click Add Subscriber when done.
Bulk Subscribe Users
- Create a .txt file of your desired subscribers. Be sure to have each subscriber listed on a separate line. Ex:
[email protected] Joe Panther
[email protected] Jane Panther - Log in to
- On the left side of the screen, click Subscriber Reports.
- If you own several lists, select the list from the Select List dropdown.
- At the top of the screen that appears, click Bulk Operations (small blue hyperlink) next to Add Subscriber.
- Add the imported addresses to the list.
- Click the Browse button and locate your text file containing your list of email addresses.
- Click the Import button.
How do I unsubscribe users from a list?
- Go to and log in.
- On the top menu, click Subscriptions under Subscriber Options on the left. The lists you are a member of will appear. Locate and click the name of the list you would like to unsubscribe from.
- When you are on that list's List page, click the three stacked lines icon in the upper right corner.
- Click Subscribe or Unsubscribe from the list that appears. Options on the right side.
- Click Unsubscribe at the bottom.
- You will be taken back to the Subscription Management screen. It will state you have been removed from the list at the top of the screen.
How do I delete a list?
Email the Help Center at [email protected]. Please include your Name, Organization, Work phone and the name of the list to be deleted.
For technical assistance with listservs, contact the IIT Technology Service Desk at [email protected] or 404-413-HELP (4357).